Are You Ready To Thrive? DNA Healing Meditation
Are You Ready To Thrive?
The flowering of humanity is upon us.
Our ability to evolve our own DNA 🧬 and be the masters of our destiny is unstoppable.
The structures that have encumbered us for aoens are crumbling, breaking down and becoming incompatible with the earth’s frequencies of purification.
Nothing can stop the unrelenting passage of this awakening.
It is here and it is you.
Keep true in the knowing that with each breath that you take, you are this revolution.
As the old you breaks up alongside the collapse of all external forms, you will begin to embody a brand new version of you – this new you is the true physical representation of the evolution of consciousness here on earth.
The more you anchor the infinite aspect of your true self, ie your higher self, Â the more you mutate your own DNA to actualise the evolutionary leap that humanity is taking and the more you anchor your heavenly self into physical form.
You are the Creator in physical form. Your body is the representation of your infinite spark.
Each breath you take where you reorientate yourself as infinite love, truth and potential, you let go of the old constructs of the matrix self you once inhabited.
So as your old self identity collapses, the world collapses.
As your old personal, karmic and familial identities rise to the surface after aeons of misunderstanding as to who we really are, it is now time to break down and dissolve and to learn to navigate the chaos that change engenders.
You may be confronted by old trauma, patterns and dramas but know that this doesn’t have to be the dark night of the soul or a rerun of past depths of despair, but, instead, it can be your defining moment to confront these patterns and release the cages that have confined your spirit from fully blooming within your physical form.
This is your opportunity to learn to inhabit your infinite self whilst you master your dark side, and all those aspects within you that have been controlled and subjugated will flush right through and out.
I will be hosting a LIVE 30 minute DNA Clearing & Source Embodiment Meditation on Sunday 26th June @ 7pm UK (1pm central, 11am pacific) to support you during these epic times.
Cost £22 / £33 / £44 by donation or ($30 /$40 /$50)
The cost includes a free copy of the meditation