Fed up with the harshness of this world, I sought answers. For 20 years, I crossed continents and seas, questing far and wide. I climbed mountains and bathed in sacred waters, I sat in ashrams and holy places, at the feet of gurus and saints, and after what seemed an eternity of disappointments, I came to realise that the only true path is the turning within.
In this empty and lonely place, I stood toe to toe with my most fearsome of foes; the unmet pain of my past. Humiliation, shame, rejection and abandonment awaited me, disguised as the unhealed relationships that had dogged my life.
Here, in the darkest recesses of my soul, where many battles had been lost and won, I set down my sword and shield, and came to know the inner shadows of my being. In this unlikeliest of places, I realised that my salvation was, in fact, born from the very act of noticing these unloved places and reclaiming each one in the growing light of awareness. The more I embodied and reclaimed these fragmented parts of myself, the stronger I became.
These poems are an outpouring from this journey into wholeness, and a celebration of my emerging outwards once again into a life of unlimited potential. I now embrace a world, where I know I am more than dark and light. I wish to dedicate this book to all the courageous souls who have accompanied me, supported me and inspired me on my path.
Thank you to all of you who serve the world tirelessly, offering the fruits of your labour, so that others may walk their paths in wholeness and grace