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DNA Healing – Accessing Your Blue Print & Embodying Your Divine Self
The divine is not some exterior force. It is deep within you in your bones and the miracle of your body. It is right there in your darkest dark as much as in the heavens. Perhaps more so.Our base, impulsive and animalistic drives resonate at the frequency of nature...
The Silent Roar
A 3 Month Men's Training Dear Men Have you lost your roar? Or do you find yourself shamed when you express your needs, desires or boundaries and wish you hadn’t bothered? Or perhaps it’s still in tact, but you just have never had the space,...
The Cauldron of Love
The Cauldron of Love As the world enters the twilight zone of its current reality, there has never been a richer, more extraordinary transformative time than this precious MOMENT. This NOW is the most opportune time we have ever known on this planet to transmute the...
Your vulnerability will open you up. However the ego often closes down around your vulnerability because in the past, your undefended openness may have become fused with humiliation, rebuke, abuse, dismissal, abandonment, rejection, and shame. The list goes on....
Doing From Being
Does your ‘doing’ tend to come from a busy mind, needing to occupy itself with externalised images of unattainable perfection and endless goals that fail to satisfy a relentless striving? I was once like this. In spite of your spiritual practices; fitness,...
~ Embodied Inner Union ~ Coming Back Home To Yourself
~ Embodied Inner Union ~ Coming Back Home To Yourself ~ An evening workshop from 18:00-21:00 PST on Tuesday, 12 November 2019 How often have you felt you’ve encountered your soul mate only to discover those hardwired patterns from the past playing out through you,...
What is a scan?
I offer scans of your time line and your physical and energetic fields that can help to pinpoint where in your body and your blueprint any traumas are lodged as well as the ancestral patterns that may be affecting your wellbeing. I combine my ability to scan your...
Finding Your Roarrrrrrrr
Finding Your Roarrrrrrrr When you speak your truth from an integrated place - it may still have a charge. This doesn’t mean it’s any less valid. You don’t have to embody polite social etiquette or some new age ideal you’ve swollowed on a Non Violent Communication...
Cometh The Boy Arriveth The Man, Cometh The Girl, Arriveth The Woman
Cometh The Boy Arriveth The Man, Cometh The Girl, Arriveth The Woman When you resuscitate your inner child and clear out your body and field of trauma, old pain, karma and ancestral debris, something magical happens… You start to experience a fully embodied experience...
Overcoming Addiction, Distraction and Procrastination
So each time you are triggered and you act out or you react or harm another or yourself or disassociate through spirituality or self soothe through distractions or addictions to desensitise yourself or reach for a dopamine hit on FB when you know you shouldn’t - you...
Benign Neglect, Narcissism & Recovering from Abuse
Benign Neglect, Narcissism & Recovering from Abuse One of the most common and destructive forms of abuse I come across in clients is the consequence of what I call ‘benign neglect’. It’s like the poison gas they used in trench warfare in WW2. It’s invisible, quiet...
Self Actualisation
Self actualisation starts with learning to notice, own and release any conditioning, thoughts or emotions that stop you from making progress Then being able to respond dynamically in any given moment, no longer reacting from old patterns of hypnotic trance, familiar...
On True Change
You do things until you don’t. It really is that simple. There are many many ways to kid yourself that you’re changing when in fact you aren’t. Cognitive dissonance is so powerful that it can make you think one thing when you’re in fact doing the opposite – just like...
Rebirthing Wholeness From The Darkness Within
Whatever you are feeling, no matter how dark or shameful ~ admit it, at least to yourself. Like a beachball pushed under water, it has to rise up, without fail, because no matter how hard you try to submerge it, the ball will not cease rising up against your...
Collective Awakening In An Age of Spiritual Delusion
Have you ever felt that the life you are living is not your own? Or have you ever felt trapped inside a heavy flesh suit of unprocessed pain and drama, that renders you helpless, unwittingly acting out the patterns, habits and choices handed down to you by your...
PART 3/3: The Conversation Noone Wants To Have – How To Recover After Narcissistic Abuse
The Conversation Noone Wants To Have - How To Recover After Severe Narcissistic Abuse Our psychological make up is complex and most of us...
PART 2: Shame Bombing, narcissism and The Victim Archetype
Shame Bombing, narcissism and The Victim Archetype Unhealthy shaming often involves manipulation and control of another to avoid one's own sense of inadequacy....
PART 1: Healthy Vs Unhealthy Narcissism
Healthy Narcissism Vs Unhealthy Narcissism In early childhood we all need to receive positive reflections, a sense of being seen, held, heard and loved unconditonally warts and all. This forms part of a...
The Duality Of Embodied Soul Work
The Duality of Embodied Soul Work Showing up in your authentic truth, no matter how messy and no matter how socially unacceptable, takes immense courage. Especially when the stakes are high. It unleashes a potent force of grace, which enables the old caked in...
Empathy 101: Toxic Projections
Empathy 101: Toxic Projections That feeling you get when you name and cleanly and compassionately hand someone back their distorted projections / judgements about you... and they see it, admit it, but then try and get into further justifications because their ego...