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The Great New Age Bypass

The Great New Age Bypass

Why I Resigned from the New Age and Said No More To Disembodied Ritualistic Spiritual Bypassing For years I went round and around the spiritual scene, like a headless chicken circling the farm yard.  I became adept at vulnerable...

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Embodied Change

On Embodying Change: Arnold Beisser's “paradoxial theory of change” is based on an extremely simple premise; we do what we do, until we don’t. It's as simple as that...we literally keep getting the same results until we decide to give up on our habitual ways of doing...

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Truely, Madly, Deeply

Truely, Madly, Deeply

6Can you truely, madly, deeply be there for yourself, when noone else can...? Are you ready to take up the mantle of 'keeper and guardian' of your original innocence (inner~sense)? Ultimately, we are the only ones who can be there for ourselves, when all else falls...

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The Myth of “The One”

The Myth of “The One”

Dissolving the myth of soul mates and embracing your own wholeness The Myth of The One leads us on a merry and wild goose chase. The addiction of seeking love in another before we have anchored it within ourselves causes no end of disappointments, suffering, trauma...

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An Ode To Anger

An Ode To Anger

You are beauty and pragmatism personified - fire and brimstone in free flow - primal life force is unleashed when you show. So blessed are we who dare to know you - to feel you course through our veins with wild abandon. Yet so...

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The New Age Empathy Trap

The New Age Empathy Trap

There is a bogus new age notion that you can't feel other people's feelings. There is talk that there's no such thing as projection and that everything you sense is yours ~ a reflection of you and your unconscious emerging. So if you are in pain. It's always yours. If...

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Self Love Is An Inside Job

Self Love Is An Inside Job

Self Love Is An Inside Job Seeking "love" and "being loved" by another can be a deceptive drug. Whether in intimacy, friendships, families or even training/skills groups etc - the desire to connect and belong can be so alluring that it overrides our wisdom to know...

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Truly, Madly, Deeply

Truly, Madly, Deeply

Can you truly, madly, deeply be there for yourself, when noone else can...? Are you ready to take up the mantle of 'keeper and guardian' of the flame of your original innocence (inner~sense)? Of late, I have witnessed several of my clients as well as my own experience...

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When you are too nice, saccharin sweet, smiley, conciliatory, overly diplomatic or kind, especially when the situation doesn’t warrant it, you erode your true self. When you find yourself saying “let’s agree to differ” whether inwardly or outwardly, when in fact, you...

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The New Age Emotionality Trap

The New Age Emotionality Trap

In the New Age I have noticed a tendency towards emotional release without self awareness. It is prized above all else. Emotional catharsis seems to be the Holy Grail. As it infers in the bible, in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. For many years I...

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An Ode To Anger

An Ode To Anger

You are beauty and pragmatism personified - fire and brimstone in free flow - primal life force is unleashed when you show. So blessed are we who dare to know you - to feel you course through our veins with wild abandon. Yet so many suppress, bury, constrict and...

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The End Of Victim Consciousness

The End Of Victim Consciousness

I am entirely responsible for all of my co-creations : This statement signals The End to perpetuating Victim Consciousness Notice your life patterns How do they serve you? What are the payoffs? Are they ultimately dissatisfying? Yet addictively so? Yet How do these...

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The Blacksmiths Forge

The Blacksmiths Forge

As the smithy’s fire burns bright Impurities rise up in the red hewn light The fierce flames of the furnace await The inert coppery rock’s final fate Hiss, pop, sizzle, crackle There’s no element this fire can’t tackle The unforgiving hunger of the heat beckons As the...

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The Addiction Merry Go Round Part 2

The Addiction Merry Go Round Part 2

Event - Trigger - Pain - Adjustment - Desensitisation - Habitualisation Behind each trigger lurks an ‘old shipwrecked feeling’ that has become an island to itself, denied, buried and covered in barnacles. Chances are that you have more than likely formed habitual...

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The Addiction Merry Go Round Part 1

The Addiction Merry Go Round Part 1

Are you on the ADDICTION merry-go-round? Are you using general busy-ness, TV, alcohol, sex, sugar, porn, overeating, caffeine, nicotine, illegal stimulants, new age healing or even social media to desensitise yourself. I do. WE USE ADJUSTMENTS TO DESENSITISE OURSELVES...

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