The Mastery Series documents how individuals from across the planet have faced incredible adversity and yet triumphed against all odds. It is not about glamour or a polished marketing exercise. It is a nitty-gritty overview, documenting each person’s experiences of waking up to Universal Truth, utilising their life’s challenges and turning these around through diligent effort and surrendering ultimately to Source. Each person has been selected because they have succeeded in integrating this Truth into the very essence of who they are.
I have attempted to bring out the key alchemical moments when human beings surrender their karmic and ancestral burdens and tap into their free will – thus unleashing personal mastery. The interviews are intended to demonstrate how each person wrestled with their shadows, transformed their demons, strengthened their core and subsequently developed self-mastery. I have selected a broad cross-section of people so that each interview carries a different signature, to unlock another valuable aspect of the challenges that many of us in the collective currently face.
These people have one thing in common: they have lived through these experiences and came out the other side ~ transformed. They are pioneers who will guide you through hard earned-knowledge, that can accelerate you to awaken without the contortions, pitstops and traps usually encountered on the path. Some of them have created tools to make it really simple, easy and fast for you too! These interviews are, in essence, blue-prints of how to awaken into your mastery. With this series, I hope to inspire you, to be in the moment and face up to everything that restricts you, so that you too, can start to experience the pure radiance of being that is your birth-right.
I hope you enjoy The Mastery Series as much as I did making it. To access the interviews click on link below or scroll down the page to the videos.
David Stone
Founder – Embodied Soul Awakening