What is Pure Source?

What is Pure Source?

When you connect into Pure Source, there is a Higher Order that trumps all other ‘truths’ and it will always kick your ass – 

It will invariably strike you between the eyes 👀  and will knock all that is false over –

This higher frequency of pure unconditional love is akin to the raw power of nature and the fierceness of wild animals –

It is ruthlessly efficient like a surgeon –

Spend a few nights in the Amazon jungle and you will see just how fiercesome this natural power is –

It sifts the weak from the strong and organises healthy evolution to bring the best out of all species –

It is certainly not the lovey dovey gooey new age trauma bonded sexualised or idealised codependent love we have been conditioned so heavily to seek outside of ourselves through relationships and intimacy, rituals and soothing nurturing healing modalities –

These approaches tend to layer over these core deficiencies of fundamental lack of connection to our own true source with fluff that feels good at the time as it’s like a soothing balm but it rarely gets anywhere near penetrating the deepest roots of issues and removing them at their absolute DNA 🧬 origin –

Unconditional love won’t coddle you and it isn’t there to provide the love you can’t generate for yourself –

It is there to strip all illusions and all that enslaves, degrades, limits and restricts you and make you the strongest fittest and best version of yourself so you can get back to your absolute essence and generate this unconditional power from within –

This can be extremely traumatic for the shame and trauma bonded fragmented aspects of ourselves that tend to run the show, seeking never ending patterns of abuse or healing adjustments that just layer more gloss over what needs to be removed rather than added to – 

This is the rub we all ultimately must face at one point or another on our healing journeys

Unconditional love will relentlessly reveal egoic identities that you’ve adopted to survive or inherited from your family or society and it will strip every last fibre of falsity away from you that doesn’t represent the highest sovereign version of yourself –

Your higher self has one undiluted purpose – to reunite itself with your body to create heaven on earth and in so doing, realign you to your absolute abundant, effortless healthy self as nature intended –

Where humans run into issues, is where the fabric of our essence has become so degraded and trauma bonded to ancestral patterns and early life conditioning that we need to rebuild our ego structure sufficiently in order to gradually prepare to undergo this stripping and being ready to face meeting this deeply clearing unconditionally loving force of nature

If you’re ready to face the music 🎼I’m running a 7 Day DNA 🧬 shift and clearing programme from 25th – 31st December

Doing From Being

Doing From Being

Does your ‘doing’ tend to come from a busy mind, needing to occupy itself with externalised images of unattainable perfection and endless goals that fail to satisfy a relentless striving? 

I was once like this.

In spite of your spiritual practices; fitness, healthy diet or yoga routines, do you still experience life stripping your nervous system of peace and depleting your body of resources, no matter how amazing the outcomes or how much rest, treats or trappings of luxury you accrue? 

Is enough ever enough?

Have you ever noticed that in those precious and rare moments when your ‘doing’ comes from your very ‘beingness’ that you are sustained and satiated regardless of outcomes, and that the pleasure in “just being” leads to prodigious productivity and outcomes that bless you beyond your dreams? 

This is how I now choose to design my life and inspire others.

As I have gradually learnt to merge my body into my higher self since my awakening 11 years ago, I have found this way of embodying, far outweighs any outcome, striving and stress orietated approaches I have previously used to succeed or improve upon myself in the past.

I find that I am now able to relax deeper and deeper in to my body, regardless of external circumstances, sitting with the uncertainty of not knowing outcomes, whilst quietly observing the remnants of old programmes of self doubt and fear falling away one by one until they no longer pull on me and suck me into their bottomless pit of depletion and distraction. 

I can now stay with feelings of brokenness, fear, agitation and chaos, until a clarity, a sense of knowing, a purposefulness and a firm direction emerges from within. 

Out of this embodied presence, and through the simplicity of my very beingness, rises an unshakeable knowing…

This simple truth brings a far reaching joy and delight – from which moments of profound and enduring clarity guide my life – 

My well being now bubbles over from within as I tap into this infinite power source – it has led to improved health, relationships that flourish and an increasing flow of abundance because these resonances I cultivate are the right energetic match – magnetising those things I desire by the potency of the innate ‘beingness’ radiating from within me.

It is this authentic self alignment to my deepest truth that is setting me free.

As I surrender to each moment and embody deeply into it, resisting temptations to jump outside of myself, I notice doorways open…effortlessly creating divine flow. 

By simply being…by remaining present …by being the guardian of my innocence…I have built trust in my knowing.

This hasn’t always been easy as I’ve had to clear out the old programmes and cultivate the discipline and will power to stay within myself, until I have begun to become at One with this inner impulse of creation. 

This way of being leads towards an atOnement for all previous creations – it has a catalytic effect on the cellular DNA 🧬 which start to unfold and clear out past debris that no longer reflects the new frequencies I’m cultivating and inhabiting.

As the Universe responds to me, I now take clear action and deep satisfaction emerges in this way, so my ‘busyness’ now deeply nurtures and enhances me instead of depleting and destroying me.

As I move forwards, sometimes in complete faith with no understanding of why I am doing something, I have come into a congruent alignment with my sense of purpose. 

Do you have the tenacity of staying power, right application of will, patience, strength and stillness to hold firm to the truest expression of your higher self’s embodying as “you” in physical form?

For it is in connecting with your essence Self and becoming so at one with it, that sets you free from your conditioned ego reflex to relentlessly seek external things to satisfy the next emerging desire.  

It is this disciplined process of embodied becoming which enables you to emerge like the snake from your egoic prison. As you shed your old skin, you will be reborn anew, free to be, whole and complete in yourself.

Are you ready to join me and a group practice to make the leap?

I have a 7 day introductory course – DNA SHIFT 🧬 & RESET  to assist you to build this potency and momentum during these sacred times – please get in touch if you’re interested to purchase it

~ Embodied Inner Union ~ Coming Back Home To Yourself

~ Embodied Inner Union ~ Coming Back Home To Yourself

~ Embodied Inner Union ~ Coming Back Home To Yourself ~ An evening workshop from 18:00-21:00 PST on Tuesday, 12 November 2019

How often have you felt you’ve encountered your soul mate only to discover those hardwired patterns from the past playing out through you, your lover and the relationship?

No matter how many courses you’ve attended, do you find those persistent dynamics end up consuming you in ‘ohhh’ so familiar ways?

Perhaps you’ve already shut down your pain because it hurts too much to hold on to your desire for ‘The One’ or you’ve found yourself settling for someone safe but deadening.

Other signs you’ve disconnected from your higher self can be settling for platonic friendships that leave you yearning, attending intimacy & neo tantra workshops for that dopamine ‘high’, getting lost in unboundaried polyamory or seeking hook ups on Tinder to satisfy your lust in the hope that it does the trick… kinda…sorta…NOT.

The thing is deep down there’s no denying how you really feel in the depths of your soul.

Not being true to yourself is a learnt pattern of survival almost universal to mankind. Sexualising your needs at the expense of your inner connection to your body, heart and soul are actually survival mechanisms that eventually distance us further from our Higher Self and the profound reverence we all secretly desire to feel when we connect with this aspect of ourselves and another in sexual union.

The simple truth is that when we overcome our wounds, patterns and ancestral imprints, we can rest in our bodies. As we learn to be in our bodies, we can embody our own inner union which acts as the catalyst to really meet another in sacred union.

First we must learn to embody our own inner union by connecting in with our felt senses, our body and our Higher Self, so that we can create a safe container in which to develop an enduring and sacred sexual intimacy with another.

When you put connecting with someone before connecting with yourself, its like trying to run a gasoline car on diesel. You will damage your engine.

In this experiential workshop you will not only learn how to connect more deeply with your body and field, but you will also learn how to connect with Source on an entirely new level so that you can tap into your innate wholeness and catalyse your potential for profoundly enriching intimacy.

Through Embodied Soul Awakening meditations, many clients not only begin to reclaim their life, their self-respect, their boundaries, their health and their mojo, but they also start to awaken a felt sense of being in union with Source as their Higher Self draws in and around them.

As you embody in this way, a relaxing into your natural masculine or feminine polarity unfolds, as your ancestral imprints and templates fade away. David will share how you too can begin to access this union through Embodied Soul Awakening meditations and exercises.

The embodiment meditation will be recorded during the evening so that you can take them away to continue to practice after the workshop.

During this workshop you are also likely to receive deep cellular healing on many levels through the activation of the group field during meditations, partner exercises and individual 1-2-1 time. Old traumas and wounds you thought you’d cleared or were not even aware of may surface for release after the workshop so please ensure you come free of drugs and alcohol and advise David beforehand if you are on any medications.

David Stone has been pioneering Embodied Soul Awakening since 2007, following an awakening experience. He noticed the vast majority of healing modalities and spiritual paths didn’t support him to anchor this sense of vast connection with Source into his body and all the ancestral distortions that it brought to the surface for resolution. He found that no one was able to guide him until he accidentally discovered how connecting with Source through the quantum field and bringing it into the body enabled him to heal his health issues, traumas and family patterns at a cellular level. He now shares this embodiment practice to empower others to heal themselves, of their issues at the roots so that they can enjoy their bodies and live healthy thriving lives.

Date: Tuesday, 12 November 2019 from 18:00-21:00 PST

Venue: 251 Seeman Dr, Encinitas, CA 92024-2839, United States

Places are limited to 16.
Price: $33 in advance and $40 on the door.
Book early to avoid disappointment.
Arrival 5.45pm for a 6pm start
To reserve your place booking in advance is recommended by sending $33 to paypal using david@embodiedsoulawakening.com for payment

For more information: www.embodiedsoulawakening.com/

Client Testimonials:
“I have had two sessions so far with David and will certainly work with him again. I’ve experienced many healing modalities and therapists and he stands out as a facilitator who works more deeply and expansively than others. His intuition, grounded and compassionate space-holding, and razor-sharp insight have helped me to move through and release difficult emotions and experiences as well as to come more fully into my body with grace, self-appreciation and gratitude. His support has been invaluable.” Khalsa Morgan Nichols, Author & Menstruality Mentor

“I can not recommend David enough. His work is incredible as he teaches you to find your healing within. No spirit guides, no magic, just simply embodying your own presence” Alison Martin, Shamanic HealerSee less

What is a scan?

What is a scan?

I offer scans of your time line and your physical and energetic fields that can help to pinpoint where in your body and your blueprint any traumas are lodged as well as the ancestral patterns that may be affecting your wellbeing.

I combine my ability to scan your field with emotional release, breath work, gestalt therapy techniques, spinal and skeletal embodiment entrainments that enable you to come more fully into your body and presence, thus connecting you more deeply with your higher self.

While I remotely scan you while I take you into an embodied meditation, I can start to pick up energetically embedded issues that have become physical and identify when these patterns came into you. 

As we draw your attention to these “blockages” in your field, it can enable you to begin seeing those things in your life which are connected to them so you can start joining the dots and witness afresh how you run any habits or interpersonal patterns that re-reinforce these frequencies in your life and their knock on effect in your relationships with money, love and health. 

The deeper sustained embodiment  journeys that I offer in longer sessions (1 hour 15 mins) help lift the blinkers on these issues and show you how to connect more deeply to Source so you can then utilise this pure energy source to begin an unravelling process of clearing stuck energy, trauma and other disassociative tendencies so that you let go of the places in you where they are hooked in emotionally or through beliefs and have solidified as disease / injuries / repeating patterns / negative habits etc . 

Often this then precipitates a physical clearing because we are accessing your spiritual blueprint. Where such trauma has been compacted repeatedly over time, it can take multiple scans or sessions to release as the layers come off or ancestors that hang around with the same unresolved energies move on. 

Sometimes there are contracts, entities or implants that hold these energies in place or divert parts of your soul’s energy away and / or pull you out of your field so you are not fully sovereign inside your own body. This is something that requires a full session to address.

Many people notice that, when I name their traumas as aspects of their body or aura and where they are in pain or dysfunction, it acts as a catalyst  for this deeper self reflection, healing and clearing, and in some cases they start to clear spontaneously.

Once this process begins – unhealthy patterns, habits and ways of relating begin to show up giving you the opportunity to close the loop and let go as the trauma based attachments are released.  Sometimes they dissolve through just being seen, and other times it takes more work to go deeper through embodiment journeys and to apply this awareness in your life.

Either way, as these blockages clear, it makes space for inherently healthy patterns, solutions, habits and new potentials to naturally emerge in their place as your physical body and your higher self merge into one another.

A scan costs £75 ($105) for 35 minutes including a recording.

3 scans booked together in advance £200 ($290) ~ August special offer.

A full session lasts 1 Hour 15 Minutes – please contact me to discuss options if you’re interested in going deeper via info@embodiedsoulawakening.com to book your session.

Finding Your Roarrrrrrrr

Finding Your Roarrrrrrrr

Finding Your Roarrrrrrrr

When you speak your truth from an integrated place – it may still have a charge.

This doesn’t mean it’s any less valid.

You don’t have to embody polite social etiquette or some new age ideal you’ve swollowed on a Non Violent Communication course that’s stifles your deeper shadow and secretly shames you for your darker aspects of humanness.

Rage or indeed righteous indignation are still valid – they may be divine messengers from old karmic, ancestral or early life traumas that are calling to you from the depths.

Once accepted, owned, cleared and integrated, these allies soften into embodied POWER, that kicks ass, in an assertive, boundaried and no nonsense way.

It’s a sign you’ve upped your frequencies when your boundaries are clearly broadcasting through energetic transmitters within your field rather than clunky intellectualised concepts and syrupy insidious demands that create yet more of the same conflict.

Those people that aren’t aligned to your willingness to be more you, more vital and more alive may drop away as the frequencies of the dynamics that were at play won’t want to stand in the fire and burn down in order to purify their side of the bargain you both once struck.

You will find that when you integrate these darker shadow aspects, people will react differently to how they did in the past and doors will open effortlessly for significant change, especially those who are welcoming of you in your growing power rather than secretly threatened and jealous.

As light follows day, life follows frequencies.

Stepping in to your true self may feel charged initially as you may have suppressed a whole lot of stuff to stay small…so be prepared to roar 🐯 and not guilt trip yourself back for ruffling a few feathers and keep breathing.

If you’d like to experience how to work with and scan your body and quantum field for these old traumas and patterns of relating that are sabotaging your life, relationships, success and wellbeing, I’m offering free 20 minute tasters in October.

I have just 3 slots left. Private message me if you’re interested.


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