How To Be A Successful Entrepreneur Without Selling Your Soul
I recently interviewed Mas Sajady during his UK tour, on what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur without selling your soul.
I have been relatively successful in my life, from big corporate jobs to running my own business as a self employed marketing agent and consultant, but I always ended up burnt out, getting ill, sabotaging myself or the success fizzled out along with my mojo.
Working with Mas for the last 3 years has enabled me to clear these underlieing patterns and find an enduring connection to the energy which sustains me and yet doesn’t cost me down the line.
It is a paradigm shifting way of working whereby you don’t have to compromise any part of yourself or your life to find your true purpose and attract abundance, health and wellbeing.
The Interview is in 2 parts below.
For a POWERFUL 12 minute medihealing with Mas on Significant Success For Entrepeneurs, please sign up now to the community to receive your link for FREE here: https://embodiedsoulawakening.com/membership/
For more information on Mas and his programmes please go to www.massajady.com