Cometh The Boy Arriveth The Man, Cometh The Girl, Arriveth The Woman

Cometh The Boy Arriveth The Man, Cometh The Girl, Arriveth The Woman

Cometh The Boy Arriveth The Man, Cometh The Girl, Arriveth The Woman

When you resuscitate your inner child and clear out your body and field of trauma, old pain, karma and ancestral debris, something magical happens…

You start to experience a fully embodied experience of gradually awakening and housing your higher self within your flesh and bones.

As you learn to witness and hold within you, the illumination of your compassionate presence in those nooks and crannies that have rarely seen the light of day, you create the impotus to bust OPEN the identity of your painbody and LIBERATE those locked down places that have literally imprisoned you for life times acting out the same old loops.

Spanning down your blood line and threading through former lives, the momentum of these downward spiralling forces may have gradually silted up your subtle senses with the density of your own and your ancestor’s bad habits and unfinished issues. These legacies become hardwired into your DNA and form the basis of a lot of your physical and personal identity.

However, these distortions, whilst feeling as if they are ‘you’, become fused into your sense of self, drowning out the light that shines down from your Higher Self. Unfortunately this momentum not only programmes you with your families’ miasms but also ends up damaging your ability to reset your DNA after each incarnation. Failure to upload the successful resolution of a life’s challenges interrupts the next generation being able to evolve as they inherit the legacy of unsolved events, often without even realising, falling victim to misfortunes that drop from the sky at random or literally swallow you up until you drown.

Sadly for most humans we start brightly but soon become entangled with our karmic and family’s unresolved issues which program us at these older frequencies so we end up running the same inevitable patterns, yet with the added intensity of the momentum of a boulder running down hill. These frequencies invisibly broadcast out to the universe, regardless of our best efforts, and prevent us from receiving the light of our Higher Self. Instead we usually end up calcifying and hardening into the patterns which have governed all those that came before us.

In the lower astral realms, it is here where your forebears remain stuck, unable to ascend, living vicariously off your life force which fuels their existence in the no man’s land of the astral. Many remain lost in the delusion of their own unsolved dilemmas. They inevitably cling to you, sometimes even wrapping around your body, mistaking it for the light or heaven, and their imprints merge with yours, forging your characteristics and life events. It is no surprise then, that most people end up living out many of their ancestors’ patterns of relating, eating, intimacy and even end up dieing of the same diseases in old age.

However, if you are able to learn the reclamation process of connecting with Pure Source and bringing this clarifying frequency into all the places where you are held hostage to the trance of your conditioning, you can break free of these fetters and set yourself free.  

If you remain still and learn the discipline of coming back into the moment where you breathe into your body, with the intent to meet with your Higher Self and draw in this purifying frequency into your flesh and bones, you can receive a regenerative boost.

As you learn to marinade and bathe in the life giving waters of Pure Source, you may even start to notice all the ways you have been compromised, all the dysfunctional coping mechanisms you’ve been conditioned with, all the trauma induced split identities you’ve churned yourself up with and all the social masks you’ve worn to survive, that have ended up compromising your life force. Each one may have weighed heavily upon you, colluding with your pain body, to entice you into developing payoffs and gains to buy into these distortions and mistake them as yourself, further entrenching you into an endless karmic soup.

As you make connecting in with your Higher Self and communing with Pure Source your daily practice, rather than your familiar habits, perceptions and programming, you can not only dismantle many of these distortions but literally reprogramme your DNA and even reverse the aging process with enough practice.

The electromagnetic charge of your diseases, deficiencies and downfalls gradually becomes disconnected and becomes neutralised by the surging aliveness of Source which purifies the way forwards for your Higher Self to move in around you. As you build momentum through undoing many of these old ways, you start to find the resources, help and life path to best serve your blossoming.

All the distorted ways you’ve been living out, start to wilt and die off along with the habits, relationships and dynamics that underpinned them.

As these blinkers come off, you may at first be startled by the astonishingly unpleasant ways you’ve been played, harvested and downtrodden. Your Higher Self abhors lack, disease and disunity and sets about agitating you to address, resolve and clear all the blockages that remain in the way of your self actualisation.

Your increasing embodied presence, sensitivity and ability to respond in the moment to stimuli, without the ancestral blinkers, enables you to release victim trances, down tools of any pernicious habits, abusive self care routines, toxic relationship dynamics and questionable spiritual practices.

You are literally forced by your Higher Self, once it has been activated to get super real with yourself and then DO SOMETHING ABOUT ALL THE WAYS YOU ARE IN LACK. 

Something magical starts to happen at this point WHEN YOU TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR LIFE IN THIS WAY.

Your Higher Self peaks through the curtain of your consciousness to let you know it’s presence, and starts to bless you.

This can either be through a sudden awakening, a shock that shakes you up, a total dislike for all that surrounds you, a malaise about your current situation and for the fortuitous, a natural progressive resolution of diseases and increase in wellbeing and abundance.

One thing is for sure…you will receive a huge surge of energy as your Higher Self gives you that kick up the back side and the where with all to make those changes that will yield changes beyond anything you could have ever imagined.

Your Higher Self guides you to move away from co-dependent or one way connections that ultimately siphon your energy or cause you to stagnate.

Your life will most likely shift in some way, if not turn on its head as all the false aspects of you become agitated and start to loosen and fall off.

As you start to show up fully for yourself in this way, the drama peels away, and your façades drop too revealing the shining brilliance of the REAL you.

If you’d like to experience how to work with and scan your body and quantum field for these old traumas and patterns of relating that are sabotaging your life, relationships, success and wellbeing, I’m offering free 20 minute tasters in October.

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Overcoming Addiction, Distraction and Procrastination

Overcoming Addiction, Distraction and Procrastination

So each time you are triggered and you act out or you react or harm another or yourself or disassociate through spirituality or self soothe through distractions or addictions to desensitise yourself or reach for a dopamine hit on FB when you know you shouldn’t – you are in actual fact making a very real choice on a subliminal level. 

It’s not a choice we are aware of when we are in the heat of the habit, because it’s become so “us” we believe it’s actually our truest expression of ourselves when in fact it couldn’t be further from the truth.

We are choosing the identity we’ve created that is enmeshed in separation – that somehow – we are our wound and we are intrinsically separate or split off from our Source when we choose to embody this wounded self image or imprint…that is not essentially us.

As you notice your fetters and explore what’s underneath those things that bind you to limiting yourself – you create a distinction that enables you to open up gateways of energy for healing, separation from what is no longer your frequency and authentic connection within yourself, others and the universe.

You reclaim your ability to choose.

You literally set yourself free.

At this stage, be sure to be very discerning in who or what you “call in” as there are many many seductive forces that would promise your the world in exchange for a spark of your awakening Soul.

Know that you are a pure spark of light at your very Source, and no matter what has become layered over you – and how convincing this mask has become and no matter how stuck it is or how elusive the patterning appears, you are intrinsically good.

Every single human being is born with a map to find their way home no matter what they have endured or what regrets weigh upon them. Once this process has been initiated, this sacred intelligence will burn the house down if it has to in order show you the true essence of goodness that you are, and that no source outside of yourself can ever replace your Higher Self.

David Stone

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Benign Neglect, Narcissism & Recovering from Abuse

Benign Neglect, Narcissism & Recovering from Abuse

Benign Neglect, Narcissism & Recovering from Abuse

One of the most common and destructive forms of abuse I come across in clients is the consequence of what I call ‘benign neglect’.

It’s like the poison gas they used in trench warfare in WW2.

It’s invisible, quiet and deadly. Before you know it, you’re choking on it and your very survival is at stake unless you have a gas mask to protect yourself and even then you could be screwed.

I witness this phenomenon in clients when they talk about their childhood experiences, when seeking support to crack through an abuse patterning this neglect legacy has imprinted into their bodies, psyche, emotional, energetic and quantum systems.

Ironically, as we dig into the wider quantum field via the body, emotions and what is currently showing up in their lives, a gut wrenching and soul destroying sense of shame sometimes reveals itself as the cloaking mechanism that protects them from having to experience the profound levels of neglect or abuse they experienced at a younger age, again.

On top of this shame, that is difficult in of itself to penetrate, as it protects them from such pain, sits a further survivor mechanism.


Pride that they made something of themselves and became who they are today.

Strong, determined, confident, professional, capable etc

Really amazing qualities usually.

Yet there remains a shadow that splits off.

This split helps compensate for the original trauma, by burying these unaddressed feelings and hauling the person out of the pits of this inner hell, to recover and make something of themselves.

Good on them.

The original wounding remains however.

It emits signals that influence a person’s life undetected, causing all sorts of chaos, upset and emotional mayhem.

The body and its quantum field of co-creation never lie.

Clients often present in a session as being a hapless victim of an illness, reoccurring depression, an addiction, narcissistic abuse, a neglectful friend and they just can’t seem to break out of it.

They have tried everything – you name it and yet the cycle persists, stuck to them like shit on a blanket.

The thing is, when a parent, caretaker or teacher isn’t able to offer the child’s psyche at the time, the understanding, validation and reparatory measures that could address the original issue, it is likely that it imprints a form of ‘benign neglect’ into their system that becomes their modus operandi of selfcare.

In addition, the child may split off the aspect of themselves that was wounded and insufficiently reinforced, validated and soothed, burying it as there was not the sufficient mirroring of acceptance for that aspect of self to survive.

To split off from this pain and the associated feelings that surround it, and bury it, is a natural defense mechanism of the human psyche.

Benign neglect imbues children with a weak core self, which in turn imprints their bodies with a low sense of worth and entitlement to basic respect which in turn programmes their personal aura to accept patterns of abuse from others that match the original settings that have been cast in time.

These patterns appear to be passed on unconsciously and generationally.

Benign neglect of this kind tends to happen also when the parent isn’t sufficiently connected to themselves and their own source of self love so they can’t give their loving attention to a child and instead end up inverting the parenting process forcing or seducing the child to give them the attention, affection or love they never got.

This subverts the flow of love and creates a reversal of polarities in the child, so the child ends up parenting the parent at the tender age where they should be on the receiving end of the loving regard of the parent to grow and develop a healthy sense of self, clear boundaries and feelings of worth.

Children who don’t receive this healthy mirroring seem to have an innate sense of unworthiness because they haven’t had these positive and wholesome qualities mirrored to them and instead become over empathic towards others as this is what they were subliminally programmed to do as children in order to be loveable themselves.

This goes some way to explaining how the narcissist / empath dynamic is enmeshed so deeply into a child’s field, psyche and emotional make up and sets them up with a patterning for life to attract lovers who mirror this inner dynamic of neglectful early love.

Benign neglect also occurs when a caretaker isn’t able to offer any positive mirroring of a child’s growing intuition and encourage it but instead criticises or contradicts it.

Benign neglect also occurs when a child acts out but the adult can’t see the child is actually taking on the adult’s suppressed or repressed shadow emotions or inner child aspects. The adult usually ends up acting out and repeating their own parental dynamic of abuse with their own child, becoming the abusive parent to the child all over again.

I am offering a free energetic scan until the end of October to identify the origin of these patterns in you and show you how you can shift them.
Self Actualisation

Self Actualisation

Self actualisation starts with learning to notice, own and release any conditioning, thoughts or emotions that stop you from making progress

Then being able to respond dynamically in any given moment, no longer reacting from old patterns of hypnotic trance, familiar loops and endless postponement

You become a co-creator with life and start to harness your gold; authenticity and transparency, your allies of old

Don’t be afraid to develop kick ass boundaries and be bold, you will no longer see the agency of your power as being outside the fold

There’s no god, goddess, deity, plant medicine or healer that can save you, for it is only you who has the ability to reclaim your own healing and stop looking to be rescued

It’s about transmuting the accumulations of your past life karmas and your families’ conditioning, into self knowledge, empowerment and seeing through false reasoning

As you take back control of your life, many problems can be solved, if you develop the discipline to strengthen your ability to retain your presence within your body in order to evolve

As you become a living, breathing embodiment of your higher self, life starts to bless you in ways that lead to abundance, success and radiant health

As your cells dance with the light of a swirling dervish, the true purpose of what it is to be a human being emerges

Through just being yourself, hanging out as you are, in moment to moment stillness your soul shines from afar

Your potential is unlimited and it’s finally landing in your life, the gift of ‘being’ feels enough as you overcome the need for strife

Always remember, awareness is the key, as it offers you X-ray eyes to truly see

You can turn any acrimony into harmony, dissolve traumas and ignomy into an empowering destiny…knowing this…life becomes a divine symphony

On True Change

On True Change

You do things until you don’t.

It really is that simple.

There are many many ways to kid yourself that you’re changing when in fact you aren’t.

Cognitive dissonance is so powerful that it can make you think one thing when you’re in fact doing the opposite – just like the smoker who declares they have given up, only to light up a cigarette in the next breath.

You may even find yourself on an expansive course to raise your vibration, become successful, learn to channel or augment your personal effectiveness, only to discover in the weeks or months that follow you end up doing the exact opposite and shrinking back to your default settings.

So how is it, that for most of us, no matter how hard we try, we only ever manage to rearrange the furniture on the decks of our inner Titanic as it lurches perilously towards the iceberg, when we know full well what’s coming?

Why is it that our addictions persist, or mutate into other forms of unhealthy co-dependency that on first appearance feel as hot and horny as make up sex, only to descend into yet another relationship horror show?

Why is digging down, getting into and removing these persistent issues at their origin so evasive?

It’s largely to do with the following foundational principles;

  1. Understanding how your painbody ‘has’ you (“The Matrix Has YOU” – Morpheus in the film, The Matrix)
  2. Clearing out your fragmented identities, trauma loops, ancestral and karmic limiting programming and mastering your painbody
  3. Connecting with, embodying and engaging your Higher Self
  4. Connecting to Pure Source to build momentum as the aware and embodied presence of your Higher Self
  5. Creating life affirming habits and patterns that support, nourish and sustain you from the inside out

Your painbody would have you seduce yourself to continue doing those things that feel good but which betray you, hurt you and undermine your highest good until you get sick, others get sick of you or you just get plain sick of listening to yourself.

Even then, if your conditioning has a sufficiently strong hold over you and your will compromised, you may still go round in circles, riding roughshod over these subtle warning signs and even claim to have awakened when the opposite is true. Your health and your life may even start to go down the plug hole, whilst you proclaim that everything is in full bloom.

That’s how incredibly masterful, Machiavellian, skilled and scheming your painbody is.

It can even draw you into believing that seemingly synchronicitous and profound coincidences are sparkly new growth opportunities, when in actual fact, they lull you back into the same old energy sucking downward spirals that have possibly enslaved your forebears for generations without even having the faintest idea that you’re up to your eyeballs in some previous ancestor’s funk!

Your painbody is capable of waging an Orwellian campaign of spin and subterfuge, so sophisticated that you even champion it and become a spokesperson on its behalf to your nearest and dearest. There are a plethora of ingenious traps that lead many to remain in the dark whilst thinking they’re in the light.

One of the painbody’s favourite tricks is to induce you to jump on the personal growth bandwagon of saccharin blanket platitudes such as “accept your own and other’s faults no matter what”, “embrace all people without ‘judgement’ as we are all One (love)” and “maintain an aura of love & light no matter what”. These one size fits all bullshit mantras tie you up in knots through false light teachings at the expense of maintaining healthy boundaries and individuation. They lead you towards enabling narcissistic individuals and toxic situations, that cause you to denigrate, compromise and betray your authentic self.

The painbody gains by undermining your essence self and entrenching itself into your autonomous nervous system. As it merges with you, it can overpower your essence self, and imposter as you, so that you become intoxicated by these ‘honey’ traps and fall into a soup of dysfunctional habits and relationships that at first glance feel connecting, supportive and nourishing but are more akin to the temporary highs you get from a fat and sugar enriched Happy Meal. The painbody distorts and miscalibrates your nervous system settings and leads you to move towards self-destructive patterns and instant gratification that distracts you from experiencing your own nourishing connection to your true inner Source.

Becoming autonomous and empowered is the anti-thesis of the painbody as it would diminish its influence and cause it to shrink. The problem is that developing a connection with Pure Source takes work and can be arduous as it requires a consistent and committed approach.

What the painbody specialises in is tricking you into becoming covertly co-dependent for externalised soothing, gratification and approval whilst having you believe such self-betrayal is akin to walking the path of ascension or becoming super ‘spiritual’. Such is the power of this magnetism that others in your circle will acknowledge your growing power as a paragon of new age virtues and a bearer of the ‘light’.

The bottom line is that those nagging feelings that you are somehow betraying yourself simply won’t go away.  

These quiet whispers that something remains amiss may be temporarily overridden, but no sooner has the high of latest Happy Meal meal high worn off, those nagging anxieties transfer into another addiction or affliction that requires yet another solution, thus distracting you further with a slight of hand that extends the endless gravy train of things to improve or even accept about yourself when really you need to start lopping off those toxic fragments of self that simply don’t serve you.

The fact is that the painbody can never be healed no matter which spiritual practices you keep, what clothes you wear or diet you go on. This is its game plan. To keep you stuck in appearances, superficialdom and embracing a syrupy self-acceptance that betrays healthy boundaries and self-respect and instead drives you onwards, endlessly attempting to become some externalised ideal of a mythical ascended character.

If you enable your painbody  to maintain its position as the driver of your life, you will forever be on the hamster wheel of personal growth and emotional process, chasing your tail until you have either exhausted yourself or built a false self so sophisticated that you yourself believe you have awakened.

It’s even more enticing if you’ve entered into the allure of a collusive ‘group-think’ of fellow conspirators, sharing in your mutual pain, shame and recovery stories. These traps temporarily delay the symptoms of facing up to your responsibilities through a shared acceptance that soothes, transcends and somehow makes it all feel better… for a while. This is why workshops and encounter groups can be so addictive. The effects soon wear off because the painbody is never far away, merging with the group self that loves sharing and self disclosure, thus opening the doors for yet more distortions to seduce you into delaying the inevitable moment when you come face to face with the shame of such self deceit and the whole rickety tower of a super spiritualised façade comes crashing down. 

Arnold Beisser noticed this phenomenon amongst his gestalt psychotherapy clients who were often involved in the Human Potential and Peace & Love movements of the 1960s. He coined this painful moment of awakening as “The Paradoxical Theory of Change”. Change would mysteriously come about when the earnest seeker finally got so sick of their own neurotic bullshit and their pretences collapsed and they finally realised they couldn’t take any more self-deceit, at last seeing through the machinations of the painbody.

A holding to account ensued by raising the moment to moment consciousness via embodied awareness and immediacy of presence. The painbody can not hold on when focus is brought to bear on the present moment and attention is concentrated in the body and the breath. In these moments it loosens its grip long enough for the lustre of false light to fade and the heavens come crashing down.

This change theory sets out the paradoxical understanding that you will not change until you actively take it upon yourself to do so by stopping putting your agency on ALL sources outside yourself – it concludes that that you are ultimately responsible for your life, your perceptions, your triggers, your choices and EVEN your symptoms and no outside force can ultimately save you.

It is this turning point of radical and embodied self-responsibility where such reclaimed presence can bring about a self-realisation that begins to liberate you from the shackles placed on your perception by your painbody. No amount of externalising your power will ever bring you closer to your own sovereign re-empowerment and thus freedom. 

Nothing outside yourself, not even a billion dollars, the dream relationship, a yummy community of belonging or successful career can assuage you of the consequences of taking full responsibility for your life and the choices you make in each moment.

It sometimes takes a lightning bolt from the heavens to breakthrough the smog of so many accustomed ways of misperceiving, that can only hit home when someone is actually in there, inhabiting the body with conscious and purposeful presence and awareness of the patterns that are running the show.

Just as in the film The Matrix, the majority of people are programmed through trauma, family, social, religious and new age conditioning to keep themselves stuck or enmeshed in that same looping programming whether it be ancestral, karmic or situational until they start to wake up and notice just how restricting, pain inducing and suffocating their current life choices have been in spite of the seeming comfort and ease they remained entranced in.

The one thing that most new age approaches have in common, that inadvertently enables the painbody to maintain its ascendency, is the tendency to disrupt a person’s ability to embody by disassociating them from the here and now, thus further disengaging their presence from their body.

The ironic twist is that most meditation techniques take the person’s awareness out of their body and inhibit their proprioceptive senses through seeking to soothe them from feeling the pained, traumatised and fragmented aspects of the psyche and smooth over these profoundly damaged aspects of the self through disassociation.

This repeated avoidance not only disassociates the person from their core wounds, but also layers over the original traumas and ancestral patterns with a buffering, which induces them into believing they have resolved their core issues when in fact all they have done is buried them and fragmented themselves even more.  Such healing approaches create temporary get-around that act as a cement that forces the root patterns to disappear even deeper into the recesses of the unconscious.

Calling in deities, Extra-Terrestrial intelligences and the multiplicity of emerging goddesses more often than not invites in quite powerful malevolent entities as well as mischievous lower astral ancestral energies that can even start to possess the person, especially if there is a tendency to enact ritualised pseudo shamanic ceremonies and use plant medicines.

This subterfuge consigns the person to delude and distance themselves even further from getting to the origin of their issues and clearing them out and instead indenture them deeper with all sorts of astral nasties that are empowered to take over the healing process.

Quite often a person thinks they may be going through a healing crisis when in fact their body has become so absented of their own presence, that it becomes a free house of the soul as the invading presences take over and begins feasting on and eroding the sovereignty of the person and their ownership of their own soul. This can often trigger the Higher Self to create a sequence of catastrophic circumstances to shock the person into waking the FU@K UP and snapping out of such potential soul loss.

As we have seen, seemingly positive choices can be dressed up and cleverly bypassed so you end up drinking the Coolaid and tricking yourself into thinking you’re making changes when in fact you’re giving your power away to forces outside yourself and moving further and further away from your very own presence. 

Embodying and drawing in your Higher Self rather than any other deities, entities or powers has a profound effect that enables you to be penetrated so deeply by the frequencies of pure Source that you can finally begin to undo the miscalibrated mechanisms of perception that run your life and any other interferences that you have inadvertently invited in to intrude upon your inner space.

When certain thresholds have been crossed and enough has been deemed enough, your soul leads you towards a life changing choice – to embrace your Higher Self and your sovereign connection to Pure Source as the only power in your life and presence in your body. Once you embark on this trajectory, your draw the sword of power from its scabbard and enable a cleansing power to be forged in the fires of your soul to cut away all the dross. You start to hone in and become guided by the compass of your Higher Self.

It takes an immense amount of courage to push this purgative change into motion, sometimes facing up to a painful and ego diminishing detox period, rather than the avoidant conditioning of bypassing yourself with aggrandising, buffering and yet more spiritual fluff.  

Whilst much healing potential may be afforded from group healing rituals and the like, no external ‘groupthink’ wisdom can ever replace your own innate capacity for self-actualisation and the healing connection brought about through embodying, attuning to your Higher Self and noticing your patterns of consciousness.

If you’re bypassing this through the soothing collusion of being in the same boat with your fellow travellers, then you’re actually not only delaying your awakening but also setting your threshold at the lowest common denominator shared amongst the group and mistaking this thought form as your God / Higher Self.

When a person is willing to become accountable, embrace their smallness and then notice how they “do” life and make changes accordingly, the universe will always reciprocate with opportunities to evolve and grow.

For embodying your own Higher Self is the only force strong enough to shatter the illusions and misperceptions of your egoic Selfhood.  Only your Higher Self has the power to halt the hijacking of the throne of your sovereignty and call an end to the painbody from joyriding in the driving seat of your life.

As you wake up to old programmes that blinkered you, each new choice you take, will liberate your soul and recalibrate your awareness. You will feel more present and embodied, as the path to wholeness & self-respect opens inside you.

At first it may look like the opposite. Some of the most painful things you thought you had dealt with may arise – this time from their roots where you may have previously glossed over them. Nothing excavates your soul quite like your Higher Self. It wants to clean out every fibre of the trauma and the distortions that enshroud it, even if it means tearing up a few daisies.

As you remain embodied, breathing through moments like this, you will come to trust in your relationship with Source, where the false dawns peel away and any burdensome and unresolved emotional and karmic patterns dissolve. Learning to trust in your own Higher presence orchestrates an alchemical process of purging and cleansing that in turn assists you to anchor your Higher Self into your body. Your Higher Self is inherently imbued with health, abundance, wellbeing and joy so that your life will then start to draw like vibrations to you, once you have anchored it in and can embody it consistently without checking out.

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